According to the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC), Tropical Cyclone Koppu affected nearly 2.4 million persons, over half a million families. Some 780,000 people (172,000 families) across Regions I, II, III and the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) were evacuated. Of these, the Government is supporting 115,000 people (25,000 families) in 434 evacuation centres and over 100,000 people outside of the evacuation centers. 47 people were killed, another 82 were injured.
The storm destroyed 3,200 houses and 240 schools across the affected regions and damaged an additional 23,400 houses and over 500 schools. Damage reported to health facilities is minimal to date. The Government is leading the humanitarian response and has set up a Task Force to support relief operations in Aurora. While the Government is not calling for international assistance, the HCT and partners are providing targeted and limited support using resources available in the country.
47 people dead
780,000 people evacuated
2.4 million people affected
The Ministry of Health (MoH) reports that ten people have died and 272,000 people have suffered from acute respiratory infections from Aug to Sep. South Sumatra is the most affected with over 101,000 cases. There are around 500 cases being reported each week. The MoH already dispatched 33.8 tonnes of medical supplies, including water purifiers and oxygen masks to the affected areas.
The National Red Cross continues to provide support as well as a number of NGOs through local partners.
272,000 cases of acute respiratory infections
On 6 Oct, fighting broke out between the Myanmar Military and Shan State Army North (SSA-N) forces in Mongshu Township, central Shan State, and the fighting continues. More than 2,500 people were displaced from 11 villages, with those displaced staying in monasteries and in one IDP camp. IDPs have received assistance from local actors but further assistance is reportedly required. INGOs and local CSOs deployed assessment teams to the IDP sites with stocks of basic household items and hygiene kits for initial distributions.3
2,500 people displaced
The Myanmar Flood Response Plan was revised, calling for US$ 67.5 million to provide humanitarian assistance to over 582,000 people in the worst affected states/ regions.
According to the Government, over 2.4 million people are affected by prolonged drought and frost across PNG. The Government is leading the response and provided nearly 2,500 tons of food to over 200,000 families. Access to clean water and sufficient food are the priority in all provinces. Health, education and nutrition continue to be a major concern.
2.4 million people affected
200,000 families receiving food assistance
Drier than normal conditions will persist over the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Palau, Micronesia, the Marshall Islands, Vanuatu, Fiji and Samoa. Less than average rainfall is also predicted for Jammu & Kashmir. Greater than average rainfall is forecasted in Eastern China, Central India, Japan and the Koreas, as well as in Kiribati.